Emergency Services Training Program (EST)
Carroll County Public Safety Training Center
The Emergency Services Training Program (EST) is sponsored by the Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association (CCVESA) in conjunction with the University of Maryland Fire & Rescue Institute (MFRI).
Successful completion of the program can offer transferable college credits to the University of Maryland University College. Another option would be Articulated College Credits that were a negotiated agreement with select local colleges.
These students will have the opportunity of becoming certified Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technicians, Firefighters I, Hazardous Materials Operations, Rescue Technicians, Vehicle and Machinery Extraction.
This program enables its students the opportunity to meet all pre-requisites for employment by any career Fire Department.
The purpose of this program is to train students in the art of firefighting and emergency medical technology. Students will learn but not limited to;
- Basic firefighting training
- Functions and responsibilities of an engine company and a truck company
- Use of the tools and equipment during simulated Fireground operations involving fire attack, search & rescue, ventilation, salvage & overhaul, and ladder operations
- Principles and hazards of rescue including proper and safe use of tools, equipment, vehicle extrication, basic rigging, patient packaging and transfer, rope rescue operations and overland repelling.
- Analysis of hazardous materials incidents including planning an initial response and evaluating progress of actions taken
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training including recognizing, assessing and managing medical and trauma signs and symptoms in patients
- Use of appropriate equipment for patient management and care
- Work with other emergency services personnel in the care, transport, and transfer of patients including patient and department record keeping
After successfully completing this one-year program, possible employment includes:
- Firefighter
- 911 Dispatcher
- Fire Marshal
- Emergency Services Management
- Private Ambulance Service
- Hospital Technician
- Assisted Living Aid
The following Colleges will except the training as Articulated College Credits earned through the EST program
- Anne Arundel Community College
- Cecil College
- College of Southern Maryland
- Frederick Community College
- Prince Georges Community College
More credit information and what is transferable from Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI)
And the alliance with University of Maryland University College (UMUC) can be found at umuc.edu/mfri
The completion of the EMT course through the EST program could also provide credits at Carroll Community College, Health Sciences, and even the Paramedic program.